
This development forms part of a significant section of the Bahrs Scrub Structure Plan area located within the City of Logan. Frasers Property Group are delivering a master planned community which will ultimately include a Retail Centre, Regional Open Space linkages and approximately 1,780 dwelling lots.
Bahrs Scrub, Queensland
Logan City Council
Civil Engineering
Project Analysis
Project Coordination
Frasers Property Group
project type:
Master Planned Community
1,780 Residential Lots, Retail Centre and Regional Open Space
Services Provided by Mortons – Urban Solutions
- Project Coordination
- Programming and budgeting
- Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design
- Self-certification of Engineering Design
- Construction Administration
Pro-Active Input

- Conceptual Water & Sewer servicing planning for the Bahrs Scrub Structure Plan Area.
- Review of Logan City Council ultimate servicing provisions.
- Negotiating with Authorities to deliver works under an Infrastructure Agreement.
- Civil Design and Contract Administration of stages.
- Lead Consultant and Civil Design for 4 External Trunk Road Packages.
- Design and Contract Administration of two External Main Roads Intersection Upgrades.