Kings Forest

Kings Forest development is one of the largest proposed residential projects on the NSW East Coast incorporating residential lots, a town centre, community facilities and commercial land. The development has an anticipated residential yield of approximately 4,500 dwellings, including a golf course.
Kingscliff, New South Wales
Tweed Shire Council, Department of Planning and Environment NSW
Civil Engineering
Project Analysis
Project Coordination
Leda Design and Construction (QLD)
project type:
Master planned community
4,500 Dwellings
Services Provided by Mortons – Urban Solutions
- Programming and budgeting
- Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design
Pro-Active Input

- Preliminary engineering advice and design to support State Project Approval.
- Project team coordination to deliver works in an environmentally sensitive location.
- Overall bulk earthworks strategy and flood storage analysis.
- Detailed engineering of external Tweed Coast Road entry roundabout and upgrading of major services.
- Detailed engineering of 4-lane arterial entry road and entry road.
- Overall water and sewer network analysis.
- Detailed civil engineering design of Precinct 5 and Town Centre.
- Water quality sensitive design of stormwater system.
- Detailed design of a major regional pump station.